
Your help needed


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Я 8 марта 2004г. в Крыму
Я 8 марта 2004г. в Крыму
I could never imagine that I would ask unknown people for help. Unfortunately, my life has changed in such a way that I have to do it.

Here is what happened. I was spending a holiday on a lake — getting a rest with my friends, having fun, swimming, and diving. I went into the water, and dove ... and hit a log in the shallow water. This diving accident completely changed my life — I got a C5-6 compressed fracture. In other words, a terrible thing had happened — life had been normal, I had been able to move, and then in a second I got paralyzed.

I was transported to a local hospital of the city of Stupino where they did surgery. For the next twelve days I was in the intensive care unit. I could not breathe, so they had to use an artificial respiration unit. Then I was moved to Moscow. For the next two months I was struggling with death ... for life. I survived. They all marveled! After that I spent yet another 6 months in hospitals... then returned back home.

Я 5 января 2005г. в больнице
Я 20 декабря 2005г. дома
One and a half years passed. In that time my hands have gotten some mobility; I can type and do some very primitive manipulations. The rest of the body is still paralyzed. I train every day, striving to make my body mobile. My parents help me as they can. And they have already done a lot! I'm very thankful for their help. It is difficult for me to express all my gratitude for all their efforts, for everything we all went through.

They are very tired; therefore I'm asking for your help. My recovery can be improved, but for that intense medical rehabilitation services are required. Unfortunately, it's costly and the money my parents and I (I'm working remotely) make is not enough to fund the treatment.

I truly appreciate your help.

Thank you.
Alexey Mazanov

 ICQ: 300742435 ICQ#

Copies of medical documents (in Russian)